Cortt.ChavisYou can’t fake passion for ministry. This kind of passion comes from a burden developed by love for God, and love for souls. Cortt Chavis is a great example of someone who has this kind of passion. I first met Cortt Chavis at a music conference in St. Louis. My first impression of him was that he was a sincere, passionate individual who was sold out to the cause of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a dynamic singer, worship leader, and minister who has ministered at conferences and camp-meetings across the United States. He is currently starting a church, Truth Chapel, in Loganville, GA. Bro. Chavis was kind enough to sit down with me at a recent youth camp and talk about his experiences in ministry. I know that you will be blessed as you listen to this interview.


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In this episode, we hear Bro. Chavis tell his story and share his thoughts on the following topics:

  • The time of transition and preparation between when we first feel the call of God and when fulfill that call.
  • Submitting to the authority of our pastor. Being obedient and honoring our authority.
  • Hannah’s struggle with bitterness (I Samuel 1). The importance of praying through your bitterness.
  • The importance of worship. Guarding what we put into our minds.
  • Maintaining our Apostolic identity. Connecting with godly leaders when we have doctrinal questions. Becoming a student of God’s Word. Loving the truth.
  • Our response when we see others leaving Apostolic doctrine and making mistakes.
  • The importance of having godly men and women in our lives and giving them honor.
  • Developing connections with Heroes of the Faith.
  • First steps for new ministers. The importance of prayer, study of the word, fasting, and reaching the lost.


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