Sam Latta Interview

Sam & Joyce Latta have served as missionaries to Africa for 19 years and have spent another ten years traveling in overseas evangelism. They have been married for 58 years and are a great example of commitment to the cause of Christ and their love for each other. They are currently pastoring the Acts Church of Henry County. They have a great love for souls and you will feel their passion as it bleeds through in this interview.

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In this interview you will hear discussion on these aspects of ministry:

  • Following the direction of God into ministry.
  • Overcoming obstacles of inexperience and fear in ministry.
  • God’s Preparation in our lives and learning to appreciating the days of small things.
  • The importance of godly influence and leaders in our lives.
  • How to follow the call of God that you feel in your life.
  • Developing a lifestyle of evangelism and soulwinning.


Find out more about the Lattas by going to their website or connect on facebook.

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